Wow. Trump can't even be trusted to tell the truth about his feelings for sharks
Stormy Daniels’ interview with In Touch magazine is now online, and wow, Donald Trump is one strange f***ing dude.
Even if Hillary is corrupt, how exactly does that make Donald Trump not corrupt?
Let’s all agree on a few basic premises. Hillary Clinton is not president, has never been president, and almost certainly will never be pres
What do Kerry, Gore, Dukakis, Mondale, and Hillary have in common?
Most people just don’t find Hillary Clinton likable. Full stop.
This 2016 anti-Trump ad is eerily prophetic
Everyone in the world is terrified right now that a toxic orange cloud of pure, horrific destruction might explode in front of them at any t
How can the Russia investigation be a Democratic excuse for Hillary's loss if it started last Ju
On ABC’s This Week yesterday, evil hallucinogenic toad Kellyanne Conway aped Donald Trump’s favorite talking point — namely that Trump is be
More Americans wanted Hillary, and now they want Hillary's health care plan
It’s impossible to fully understand policy wank Donald Trump’s stance on health care by viewing it through a rational prism. To really get i
Crybaby witch hunter Trump can't stop whining about witch hunts
Trump has a peculiar take on history. There's everything that's happened in the universe since an infinitely dense singularity began
Special snowflake Donald Trump definitely doesn't want you to see this hypocritical attack on Hi
We can say with great surety that no one on the planet is more entitled, whiny, ill behaved, or emotionally fragile than Donald Trump.
Calling Trump a man-baby is grossly unfair to both men and babies
Hillary Clinton, whom both the press and the Republican establishment excoriated for close to two years over her private email server, appar
He might be the best president Russia has ever had
So Trump fired FBI Director James Comey because ... Comey had mistreated Hillary Clinton. Now he's just fucking with us, right?