Will Trump use war as a smokescreen to fire Mueller?
At Raw Story today, Washington-based journalist and author Jefferson Morley makes a compelling case that Donald Trump will attempt to fire R

Trump is repeating Dubya's two dumbest foreign policy blunders
So we’re nine months into Donald Trump’s presidency, and America’s inauguration babies are busy clawing their way out of their mums’ noxious
Would Trump start World War III to stifle Russian probe? Of course he would
Would Trump pull the pin on the grenade just as the gendarmes start to close in? Well, why wouldn’t he?

This 2016 anti-Trump ad is eerily prophetic
Everyone in the world is terrified right now that a toxic orange cloud of pure, horrific destruction might explode in front of them at any t
Trump just set a nuclear red line, and North Korea has already crossed it
This is what happens when you elect a deranged president just because you assume he can’t possibly be as crazy, stupid, or unhinged as he ap
Trump isn't running government like a successful business; he's running it like Trump Steaks
Now we’re on the cusp of a real crisis in East Asia, and Trump has no clue what to do about it. His initial instinct was to — you guessed it

North Korea's official news agency sounds eerily like Trump's Twitter
Earlier today, North Korea responded to the recent death of U.S. citizen Otto Warmbier by saying it was the “biggest victim” in the tragedy.
He thinks that ... oh, Christ, just read the quote for yourself
So we're just 100 days into this hot-air buffoon ride and already Donald Trump has said that three really obviously difficult things sur

Because seeing him lead our military is like watching Winnie the Pooh search for his bong with a hon
So Donald Trump, who has the social graces of an irritable bowel on Carolina reaper peppers and Costco soft-serve ice cream, thought it...

Because even David Copperfield wasn't lame enough to make an aircraft carrier disappear
Over the weekend, while Donald Trump was playing my-dad-can-beat-up-your-dad with Kim Jong-un, he claimed he was sending "an armada&quo