Trump's patriotism has always been about empowering white people
For starters, “Make America Great Again” was one of the biggest dog-whistles in our country’s history.

When Trump said 'you're fired' to an entire football league
Friday night in Alabama (no sentence starting like that has ever ended well, has it?), Donald Trump reminded his racist supporters that he i

Until Trump apologizes for his Nazi sympathizing, he will never be 'presidential'
Try playing this game with your friends at your next after-work happy hour: Would you rather have Donald Trump as president or person X (pic
Donald Trump now less popular than Dick Cheney and 'Showgirls'
Since he was sworn into office in front of the largest audience ever to witness the inauguration of a sentient haggis, Donald Trump has watc
Can Trump stop Twitterstorms long enough to focus on a hurricane?
Since his inauguration before a tiny crowd of sycophants in January, we’ve all wondered how Donald Trump would respond in the face of a cris

This will break your brain: 30 times Trump called other people racist on Twitter
Donald Trump has often said he’s the “least racist person” you’ve ever met/encountered/seen — which is largely correct if you add “at a Klan

Trump is a racist? What were your first 30 clues?
So the president of the United States is a racist. Wow. Who saw that coming? Frederick Douglass must be turning over on his couch.