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Are Republicans really more afraid of Trump's base than nuclear war?

It’s clear now that Republicans will do nothing to wrest the keys away from a drunk and disorderly Donald Trump.

Trump could force Jeff Sessions to run around the West Wing in a giant plastic hamster ball, and Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell would tweet some pabulum about treating one’s pets with respect.

We were reminded again yesterday that GOP congressional leaders’ gonads have shrunk to the size of gravitational singularities when Bob “Fuck It, I’m Leaving Anyway” Corker stated the obvious in an interview with The New York Times (i.e., the sequel to Three Men and a Baby is a lot less funny than the original — and the original wasn’t funny at all):

CORKER: I don’t know why the president tweets out things that are not true. You know he does it. Everyone knows he does it. But, he does and I think people — Sure I mean, I would say —

Look, except for a few people. The vast majority of our caucus understands what we’re dealing with here. There will be some — if you write that, I’m sure there will be some that say, ‘no, no, no I don’t believe that,’ but of course they understand the volatility that we are dealing with and the tremendous amount of work that it takes from people around him to keep him in the middle of the road. No question.

TIMES REPORTER JONATHAN MARTIN: Is the country in jeopardy do you think?

CORKER: Again, as long as those — One of the reasons that I’ve supported Mattis and Tillerson and Kelly last week is, again, as long as there’s people like that around him who are able to talk him down, you know, when he gets spun up, you know, calm him down and continue to work with him before a decision is made.

I think we’ll be fine. I do worry that these — Sometimes I feel like he’s on a reality show of some kind, you know, when he’s talking about these big foreign policy issues. And, you know, he doesn’t realize that, you know, that we could be heading towards World War III with the kinds of comments that he’s making.

  1. “The vast majority of our caucus understands what we’re dealing with here.”

  2. “They understand the volatility that we are dealing with and the tremendous amount of work that it takes from people around him to keep him in the middle of the road.”

  3. “And, you know, he doesn’t realize that, you know, that we could be heading towards World War III with the kinds of comments that he’s making.”

Connect the dots between those three statements and the only reasonable conclusion is that nearly 300 GOP members of Congress — most of whom are already set financially for the rest of their unnatural lives — are willing to let the world literally burn because they’re afraid of losing their jobs in a couple of years.

That’s extraordinary cowardice, and Corker just indirectly called them on it.

So why are a bunch of millionaire Ivy League twits who know better allowing the world to be held hostage by an angry sack of spray-tanned anuses and his know-nothing band of anusettes?

If the shoe were on the other foot and Charlie Sheen had been elected president as a Democrat, you’d hope we’d all put country ahead of party if he started calling Kim Jong-un in the middle of the night to scream about his tiger’s blood. What’s the difference between that and what’s happening now?

I never thought I’d say this, but I’m looking forward to the annual War on Christmas. At least that’s not real. Not yet, anyway.

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