How did Trump find 137 economists who support his tax plan?
The Joint Committee on Taxation released an analysis concluding that, even with economic growth factored in, tax reform would cost the gover

Trump's presidential compensation will either be $4 billion or $4, depending on how stupid you a
You have to believe a lot of truly bizarre things to support Donald Trump and his tax-overhaul scheme.

If the GOP really wants to help the middle class, why not give all the tax cuts to us?
Every time Republican propose a tax cut, they try to disguise it as a boon for the middle class, even though it’s always a huge windfall for

Say, remember when Trump wanted to execute Julian Assange? Will he have Jr. euthanized now?
Lost in the rumpus over Derp Throat’s latest document dump is how conclusively it proves that Republicans’ convictions on absolutely any iss

These 2 simple charts destroy Trump's claim that lower corporate taxes increase wages
If you want to see how a policy will play out in the real world, you should first check to see if anyone has ever tried it before.

The estate tax repeal plan is a lot worse than you think
Suppose Donald Trump dies, and several days later someone notices after his skin mysteriously starts turning a natural human color.

Estate tax repeal would allow Trump's sons to kill every elephant in the world 5 times over
Having failed spectacularly at health care reform, Republicans are now taking a shot at deforming the tax code. One of their key priorities
As Houston drowns, Trump throws a lifeline to the 1 percent
Knowing a crisis when he sees one, Donald Trump gave a speech in Missouri today promising to lower corporate tax rates, “simplify” the tax c

His tax plan is like a pornographic love letter to himself
When Republicans were trying to pass health care reform earlier this year, you got the feeling Trump just wasn't into it. In fact, that&