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He's turned the GOP into the party of personal responsibility, so long as that person is Obama

So, you won't believe this shit.

Remember Michael Flynn, the U.S. national security advisor who resigned in disgrace before Trump's Inauguration Day spray tan could fade from burnt orange to papaya whip?

The Trump administration vetted him like he was some random stoner in Annandale trying to sell them patio furniture on Craigslist. Turns out that after he'd retired from the U.S. military, he took payments from RT-TV, a propaganda tool of the Russian government. He never told anyone, which means he probably broke the law.

Trump loved him because he's a kooky conspiracy theorist who in virtually every photo looks like a guy trapped on a hot-air balloon just as the laxatives start to kick in. (Seriously, take a look for yourself.)

Anyway, after taking heat for failing to properly vet Flynn, the Trump administration released this statement through official White House Mouth of Sauron Sean Spicer:

“General Flynn was a career military officer who maintained a high-level security clearance throughout his career in the military. His clearance was last reissued by the Obama administration in 2016 with full knowledge of his activities that occurred in 2015, as you point out. So the issue is, he was issued a security clearance under the Obama administration in the spring of 2016. The trip and transactions that you’re referring to occurred in December of 2015, from what I understand.”

So in case you're keeping score, here are just a few of the things Barack Obama is responsible for:

Thanks, Obama!

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