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He received five draft deferments — including three to attend Wharton and one for bone spurs in his

Trump received four deferments while attending Fordham University and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating from Wharton, the dashing, athletic aspiring businessman, who had played football, tennis, and golf during his carefree college days, snagged his fifth and final deferment — for bone spurs in his heels.

That kept him out of the military for good, in a year when 300,000 other young men were inducted into the military.

But it’s okay, because Trump thought the war was for overrated lightweights like John McCain who are stupid enough not to go to Wharton and/or develop bone spurs. Your plane can’t get shot down over Hanoi if you’re at Wharton frantically searching the school library’s microfiche files for obscure foot disorders. Or rather, your plane can get shot down, but some other idiot will be flying it.

In an August 1, 2016, New York Times story, Trump was quoted as saying, “I thought [the war] was ridiculous. I thought it was another deal where politicians got us into a war where we shouldn’t have been in. And I felt that very strongly from Day 1.”

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